Thursday, May 10, 2012

Man Card Rules

In life, certain things define a man.  

Strength in adversity. 

Calm in the face of danger.

A hard worker.  

A father/father figure.

A leader when needed.

A follower when needed.

Getting things done that need to get done, no questions asked.

Now putting all that aside, Men like to have fun in the down time and still act like Men but maybe not as manly as they have to be at for those down times here are the rules.

1 – Thou shalt not voluntarily watch “chick flicks” while alone (or at least admit to it)
2 – Thou shalt never become a Vegetarian or Vegan…. meat was meant to be eaten!
3 – Thou shalt not til another man's garden (figuratively speaking)
4 – Yes, No, and a simple Grunt are all complete answers
5 – Thou shalt honor thy Bro’s before thy Ho’s
6 – Thou shalt not cry unless it is deemed appropriate
7 – Because it was funny shall be accepted as a valid excuse/reason

8 – Thou shalt NEVER wear pink unless you can back it up with fighting prowess
9 – Honor the sabbath (Sunday) as a holy, sports or a man day. (this one is real…mostly)
10 – Thou shall always strive to be more manly
11- Thou shaltl know how to change a flat tire on your vehicle.
12- You can only drink the last beer at a friend’s house, if it is given to you.
13- Thou shalt not show up to a BBQ empty handed is a Cardinal Sin
14- Thou shalt never strike a woman. Unless she is holding a weapon in an attempt to kill you, then all bets are off
15- If you sire offspring;
a: boys should begin training in the arts of the man by age 5 or younger.
b: girls shall remain Daddy’s little princess until death of said Daddy.

To that end,  we your hosts, Tony Mo, T-Rev and Q have put together a list of the 100 essential movies that a MAN needs to see in order to keep his Man status.  Over time we will dissect these cinematic achievements and help you understand, if you don't understand why it is on the list.  We will tell you the things to take away from the movie and the things that are best left behind as well.  
100 Movies every MAN must see in no particular order
1. Pulp Fiction
2. First Blood
3. Terminator
4. Army of Darkness
5. Fight Club
6. Blood Sport
7. Animal House
8. Dogma
9. Die Hard
10. Se7en
11. 300
12. Gladiator
13. Platoon
14. Reservoir Dogs
15. The Godfather
16. Jaws
17. Porky’s
18. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
19. The Longest Yard
20. Blade Runner
21. Predator
22. Caddy Shack
23. The Big Lebowski
24. American Psycho
25. Tombstone
26. O Brother; Where Art Thou?
27. The Rundown
28. The Sandlot
29. Con Air
30. Rounder’s
31. Desperado
32. The Waterboy
33. Armageddon
34. The Crow
35. Leaving Las Vegas
36. Joe Dirt
37. Wayne’s World
38. Big Trouble in Little China
39. The Princess Bride
40. Forest Gump
41. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
42. Scarface
43. Twister
44. Young Guns
45. Good Fellas
46. The Replacements
47. Men in Black
48. Natural Born Killers
49. The Usual Suspects
50. Wild Hogs
51. Super Troopers
52. Rush Hour
53. Enter the Dragon
54. The Expendables
55. Zombieland
56. Scent of a Woman
57. Rain Man
58. Sin City
59. Clerks
60. Dumb and Dumber
61. An Officer and a Gentleman
62. Donnie Brasco
63. A Nightmare on Elm Street
64. The Blues Brothers
65. Casino
66. Any Given Sunday
67. Dodgeball
68. Sling Blade
69. Office Space
70. The Goods
71. Top Gun
72. Midnight Run
73. Boondock Saints
74. Roadhouse
75. Braveheart
76. Shawn of the Dead
77. Major League
78. Starship Troopers
79. The Hangover
80. The 40 year Old Virgin
81. Ronin
82. Blade
83. Face Off
84. The Incredibles
85. The Running Man
86. Slapshot
87. Miracle
88. Smokin Aces
89. Wedding Crashers
90. Better off Dead
91. Tremors
92. Kill Bill vol.1 & vol.2
93. Raider’s of the Lost Ark
94. Rocky 1,2,3
95. The Matrix
96. Field of Dreams
97. Blow
98. Black Hawk Down
100. Saving Private Ryan

 We invite you to join us and to help us make the list better.  If you have a movie that you believe deserves to be here and it is not please let us know.  You will need to have a movie in mind that you also believe does not meet the Man Card Movie list as well.  

We will consider all submissions but it will have to be a very compelling argument change our minds.

We have decided that this list is almost exclusively from 1980 on to present so please we ask that you keep the movies from the set time period.  We understand that so many great MAN movies were created before then but we can't include them all.


Tony Mo.